Mar 12, 2015 Psycho-spiritual Musings
Human beings feel. And these days we’re feeling a lot. There’s a lot to feel. We’re desiring connection with one another. We’re feeling scared at the prospect of actually doing what our inner-guidance asks of us. We’re feeling hurt when...
Jan 13, 2015 Psycho-spiritual Musings
I started a group coaching program last week. During the session our couch asked us a question. “What are you extraordinary at? World class?” We were invited to share our answer with everyone. I’m English. We don’t like to talk about such...
Nov 26, 2014 Psycho-spiritual Musings
It is I who am your greatest longing. I long for you to open yourself and receive all that is. For when you do so my dear, you will realize that there is only This. Only Love. Can you feel me when you are moved? Can you feel that there is no other way but to surrender...
Oct 30, 2014 Psycho-spiritual Musings
“It’s not about you Ewan. It’s not about you! What right do you have to say people aren’t worthy of your help? That you aren’t worthy of theirs!? What right!? It’s blocking you. You’re not fully giving your gifts to the...
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